Saturday, March 7, 2015

Chapter 1.8 - We're Seeing Double!

So last we left off, Auro had just turned into a teenager. The school was so crowded that non of the kids could go to school. I decided to move them then to a new Hidden Springs. First thing I noticed was that the four older ones were not related to the rest of the family anymore. I tried to modify this with MC but they were not pulling up in the list. Weird. Then as I had the list open, I noticed I had two of every one in the house. I didn't think much of this but did note it. Another thing, Auro lost the credit for the 10 critters he had captured, starting his LTW all over again, so we had to let them all go. I was hoping he could recapture them, but they just disappeared.

Auro seemed to take letting all his pets go okay. He headed down to his bedroom and worked on his dart skills.

Raz and Jenny seemed to be okay with the move as well, and even celebrated the move with a little woohoo.

Or so I thought that is what was going to happen. I was making sure it was not a TFB, but with Raz hating children, I didn't really think I had to worry. All of a sudden Raz jumps out of bed like she is shocked about something, and then runs screaming out the door. I was dying! WTF! Guess that killed the mood, they never did woohoo.

Aww I guess he was more sad than he let on about letting his critters go! Poor guy!

Jenny has the kids home, and has a new reason to bitch at them. She starts in on Arsenic right away.

It was Sunday, so Auro headed over to the community pool to take a dip. He's not very graceful!

After that little belly flop, it was time to start back up on the LTW, so we head out critter hunting.

We got about 3 done before it was time to head home and go to bed. *Note* I do realize now after rereading everything I said I was going to roll for their LTW's. I did not do this with Auro, I totally forgot. I will try and remember for the next heir. I did do it from here on out with the older kids, not that it matters.

The next day was school, so the kids all piled up in the bus and headed off. Once to school we saw a big problem.

Double Aliens!

I thought well crap! There is the reason for the doubles in MC! So I thought I'd be smarter than the game and take clone Alien into CAS and change him up. I changed his looks, his name, traits, favorites, all of it, and came up with this guy.

Amaranth: You changed the wrong Alien. The guy next to Auro is the imposter!
Well shit!

So now with the real Alien not Alien anymore, I deleted the hood. Next stop Sunset Valley! So I took a few days and changed up all the NPC's and Townies to make them all colorful. At first I changed up all the names as I was doing them, but then about halfway through I was like "No, I want them to be actual Sunset Valley guys. Deleted that hood and started over. Got them all done, moved in these guys, started building a new house and saved and quit. I noticed again I couldn't add the others as relatives. The next day I started reading about Total Annihilation and how to do it, and I though, Hmmm maybe I should just try that instead of moving them. I headed back to my original Hidden Springs, total annihilated everyone but the family and the cute maid, then moved these guys into the new house I had just started making. No lag? Check. No doubles? Check. Everyone is related still? Check. Auro has 10/20 of his LTW? No check. Well shit. I decided to live with that little thing and see how they played and how the world played.

Aureolin: I approve, we can do things like this here!
Ah seems autonomous is working a bit better. They are not all standing around waiting to be told what to do.

Right away I sent Auro out looking for critters, we were now on our third time collecting the first half. We did find a tortoise this time though!

Back home, the horndogs have to test out the new move with woohoo. Seems to be their thing.

In Auro's bed though, really? You have your own room!

Raz: His is more comfortable.
Whatever, he's going to find out.

Auro got his first bite from a critter, not counting the raccoon.

Auro: In my bed? Really that is just gross Mom!
Told you he'd find out.

After he washed the sheets he put his day's worth of collecting away.

I gave the kids some new toys around the new house. Alien found the soccer ball the next morning and started playing with that. The Amaranth found the baseball. Aureolin got pissed off because they were playing while he was trying to sleep, baby it was like 10!

Time to find out if the school is still jammed. It wasn't. Well it was by the Crayola's but that was it for now. Man you can tell they are all related!

Amaranth made Honor Roll and then came home and played catch with Raz for hours. this is the most I've seen them interact ever!

Auro headed into his room after school and messed around some more with his critters. He really likes playing with them.

It was Raz and Jenny's 2 year anniversary! Raz freaks out because she forgot. I think Jenny forgot too, so it didn't matter.

*Note* all the moves had reset Raz's LTW also, she is still working on that damn blogging! Oh wait, now I'm blogging! Oh no!

Jenny is still a level 4 in the military field. I think she got a promotion sometime while I played tonight, but it was at the same time as the kids went to prom so I was just clicking notifications off and I think I clicked it.  *End Note*

We had a birthday! Alien Armpit is finally becoming a YA! But first he gets in trouble for missing school.

Once aged up, he gets a job and heads on out to his own house.

Taxi Train!

Prom night came and the kids headed off for the limo. The started running, and running and running. There was no limo! They finally gave up and took taxi's to prom. Not the ones up above!

Not one of them got prom king or queen. None had dates either.

After prom it was time to get more critters, so Auro heads off and starts hunting some more.

Then we had more birthdays! This time Arsenic and Aureolin.

Both of the boys got jobs and moved out after that.

After that it was Leisure Day, so Auro headed down to the festival. He got his face painted and let off fireworks, but other than that it was pretty lame. Not one other person besides the concession workers showed up. And his nachos disappeared!

Leaving the festival we head out to go find more critters and come across this bird. Beautiful! We had to have it!

Stupid EA and their spawner issues! We couldn't get it.

That is it for now! Lets hope the disappearing nacho's isn't the start of something already.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Chapter 1.7 - Focus On The Maid

Not a huge update today, I moved this family onto my laptop to see how it plays with them, as my desktop was quickly taken over by an 11 year old. So far so good, I might have to move them to a new town though. There is a huge traffic jam at the school and it almost takes the whole school day for the kids to get in, and then as soon as they do, the bell rings to go home.

Anyways, lets start this!

Raz: "Hello taxi? I'd like you to go get a couple of my kids, I think they've been at school a long time!"

That's right, a couple of kids are ready for YA! I feel so cheated honestly. I didn't get to know any of these kids and their personalities. Except for Amaranth and Auro.

First we bring Apricot and Aquamarine home, and have their birthdays. Sparkles and twirls later, and we have YA's.



Then we went to move them out, but I had too many in my regular house and it wouldn't let me with just them. So I brought home Asparagus and Artichoke. They were ready also to be YA's so it was okay.

They had their birthdays too, and now we have a YA Asparagus.


And a YA Artich

Jenny: "Ooooh pretty flames!"

Yep, we are interrupted by a burning cake! Most everyone just stand around with their thumbs up their you know what.


Raz: "How does this thing work!"

Raz does finally put the fire out, with no casualties!

Raz: "Whew! That was a close one!"
Yes it was!

We finally get Artichoke aged up, and get photobombed by the firefighter.


Asparagus: "Hi Real Estate, yes I would like a nice house for my siblings and I."
Aquamarine: "Don't make us go with them! They are going to kill us!"

The four oldest move out, and we are back down to two.

Life carries on. Most of the time we are out and about looking for critters with Auro, when he is not going to school and doing homework. Amaranth is now on the honor roll and Auro is not far behind.

By the time I am done playing for the night, Auro is halfway done with his LTW. He now has 10/20 critters in his house.




Jenny was still at a level 4 in the military career, nothing I did was getting her promoted. She then got an opportunity to gain the martial arts skill for work performance. It did nothing.


More critters! These were what took up most of my pictures, I've cut them down a lot.



You two are so lucky! It was just a regular woohoo, but I was out with Auro when I got the notification they had just done the nasty.

Raz: "I don't like kids, you have nothing to worry about."
So you say.

We have an escape artist out of Auro's inventory. I forgot he had another critter to put away and it tried to sneak off. Jenny quickly caught it cause Auro was asleep.


Auro woke up the next day to a huge surprise! It was his birthday and he got a room all to himself! I added a basement for all his critters, and then changed it into his bedroom. He's the heir, he gets special treatment!


Being Auro's birthday I figured Alien was due to age up to YA now too, so we brought him home. I was wrong, he has 2 days still left. So he'll be around the house for a couple days!


Our maid got a makeover, and a little bit of facial surgery. He's a handsome maid now!


Auro: "I wish for more turtles!"
He really likes his turtles.

He gained animal lover as his next trait. I am so happy with him! He has genes from both Moms but he got the best of both I think. I really really like how he turned out.